Honey Bee Fragrance Oil is here!
What's sweet as honey? Honey Bee FO. After many customer requests, we finally hit THE right honey for you. Yummy, drippy honey by bees flying in fields of wildflowers in fresh mountain air. This is a complex and beautiful fragrance of sweet honey balanced and rounded by hints of powdery wildflowers, vanilla and sandalwood. If you need a strong honey scent, this is it! Works wonderfully in candles, soaps and toiletries.
What's New page
Honey Bee fragrance oil
On a different note, we are busy working on a new Facebook page:
We hope you click "Like" us on Facebook - we'll be doing some Facebook-only specials & giveaways as the page launches. We will also be posting more photos of our warehouse facility so that you can see what our business is like. Some of the photos are already up, so come on over and say hello!